Back to School
So, it’s the 1st of September and the Summer has officially ended. The sun is getting weaker, there’s a chill in the air and the days are shortening. To me, it feels like a new beginning. Much more so than the 1st of January. It feels like the start of a new school year. So, my suggestion is to take the time to start afresh as if you’re heading back to school. Here’s what works for me.
1 Have a Clear Out
This is a great time to de-clutter. Sort out your desk. Clean up your office. Dump old files. Make your working space as tidy as possible. Start off with fresh notebooks and new pens. If you're laptop’s playing up, order a new one.
Whilst you’re at it, re-organise your wardrobe. Pack away your Summer clothes. Chuck away your old stuff. Follow the advice of Maria Kondo. If it doesn’t give you joy, get rid of it.
It’s so cathartic.
2 Start a New To-Do List
Turn over a new page in your fresh notebook and start a new ‘to do’ list Re-visit and re-prioritise what you need to do to kick start September. Cover everything. Work / Non-work. Trivial / Important. Attack your list vigorously. Cross items off as soon as you achieve them.
3 Re-connect
This is the perfect time to catch up with old friends, family and clients. Summer’s over, so there’s a lot to catch up on. Take the opportunity to meet face to face, ideally in an open-air space, if it’s still warm enough. Don’t be shy. Take the initiative and call people up. They’ll be so happy to hear from you.
4 Set Year-End Goals
It’s just 4 months until the end of the year. Long enough to get stuff done, but with an imminent deadline. What are you going to achieve by then? What are you going to prioritise? For more thoughts on achieving goals, click here.
5 Create a Fresh Routine
As James Clear pointed out to us, success is down to creating good habits. Start a new routine, one that supports your goals. Get off to a good start and stick to it.
In summary
I love this time of the year. I love the changing season. I feel energised after a Summer break and ready to attack the rest of year. There’s no post-Christmas hangover. Or weeks of miserable dark days. Use this opportunity wisely to make a fresh start. Treat it as a new school term. Don’t leave it until January.