Franco London

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Everyone Goes Into the Wilderness

Earlier this week, I was listening to a Louis Theroux podcast, where he was interviewing Ben Elton. I was struck by one particular phrase:

‘Everyone goes into the wilderness’

Ben was referring to himself and the ups and downs of his own career. Despite his huge success as a stand-up comedian, presenter, and writer, he’s gone in and out of fashion. I found this hugely reassuring. Even someone as successful as Ben Elton has had his fallow periods.

Indeed for most people, this is the case. It’s rare that people’s lives and careers progress on a smooth linear path. Football managers are sacked on a regular basis. Performers have a purple patch and then drift away. People can make huge strides in their jobs and then stall. As Elizabeth Day taught us, failure is inevitable. We’ll all have a period in the wilderness. Periods of setbacks and uncertainty.

So how should we respond when we find ourselves in the wilderness? Here are a few suggestions:


As the Stoic philosophers say, it’s not what happens to you that’s important, it’s how you respond. Focus on what you can influence and control. Don’t rage against something you can’t effect. Instead, take practical steps in areas that will have a direct impact on your life. Your health. The people you spend time with. Your daily habits.

2 self-reflect

Use an inflection point as a period of reflection. We rarely have the luxury to think in our busy day-to-day lives. Take the time to look back on how you got to your current situation and the lessons you’ve learnt. What could you have done differently? What does this mean for the future?

3 Explore new opportunities

A period in the wilderness could be the catalyst to embark on a new direction. It could be the time to try something new, learn new skills, maybe re-invent yourself. Say yes more often. Experiment, push yourself outside of your comfort zone.


Lean on others for guidance and help. It could be professional - a coach or a mentor. It could be more informal. People love being helpful. You’ve just got to ask. Be clear, be direct and make sure you thank them.

In Summary

Remember, we all have our periods in the wilderness. Even the most successful people in the world. Failure and setbacks are inevitable. Overcoming them makes us tougher. They help us grow. Make sure you don’t get stuck. Find your way out of the wilderness by focusing on what’s in front of you. What you can influence and control. Use it as a time to reflect and learn more about yourself. See it as a time to rejuvenate and explore new directions. And most importantly don’t do it alone. Look to others to help you on your way.