The Tell-Tale Signs of a Deep Client Relationship
As someone who spends his life in the marketing services industry, I often ask myself whether I have deep relationships with the people I work with. Without them I wouldn’t have a business. Here are 8 key signals to look out for.
1 They reach out to you for HELP
You get a call or an email out of the blue. They’re looking for your advice and input on something they’re grappling with. This could be something big or something small. It may be a formal brief or something that’s bothering them. If you’re a key person they turn to, it shows you’re on their mind. Sometimes there’s a large gap between calls. This is particularly satisfying. It shows they remember you.
2 They act upon your advice
But reaching out is just the start. More importantly, they act upon the suggestions or information you provide. They put into place your recommendations. When you see a real behaviour change, you know you’re having an impact. This demonstrates they truly value what you’ve said.
3 They refer you to Other clients
Much of the work you generate will comes via referrals from your existing clients. If you have a deep relationship, they take the time to pass on your details to others looking for the services you offer. They talk in glowing terms about the work you do. Without referrals, I doubt I would be in business today. If I get a referral, I always take time to thank the person who passed on my details.
4 They don’t Argue with you about Money
Of course, don’t take advantage of your client’s goodwill, but in a deep relationship, your fees shouldn’t become a point of contention. They see the value you offer and are happy to pay for your services. Clients who always try to negotiate your fees downwards often aren’t confident you’re able to deliver for them. When money becomes a sticking point, its a sure sign your relationship isn’t great.
5 they forgive you when you make a Mistake
When things are going well, relationships appear strong. It’s when things go wrong that a relationship is tested. With strong relationships, a mistake doesn’t prove to be terminal. No-one’s perfect. You apologise, they forgive you, you learn and you move on. With weak relationships, when things don’t quite go as planned, it can prove to be fatal.
6 They involve you in more complex issues
If you get given a really challenging assignment, you know that you’ve got a deep relationship. They expose you to their bosses or senior colleagues. You get involved in more strategic challenges. If the work they give you is a bit run of the mill, then maybe you’re not seen as being able to handle the big stuff.
7 They involve you when issues begin to form
Sometimes you get a call when there are early signs of problems on the horizon. Your job is to help them grasp what’s going on and to see the way forward. Being able to get to the heart of an issue and understand what this means is a real skill. Being asked to shape a brief is a sure sign of a deep relationship.
8 They treat you with respect
We all know what respect looks and feels like. You’re greeted warmly. Clients are prompt. They’re polite. They give you time and space. They’re flexible. They listen. They give you honest and direct feedback. They treat you as an equal rather than as a supplier. Indeed if they refer to you as a ‘supplier’, it’s not a great sign. Last minute cancellations, delays, lack of feedback or simply silence are warning signs that all’s not well.
So to Summarise
Everyone in a client service role strives for a deep relationship. We all benefit. They give you great briefs and you deliver your best work for them. Reflect on your client relationships. Which ones are deep? Which ones are shallow? Which ones do you feel have longevity? Look to deepen them. Without deep relationships, you’ll struggle to grow.