Here’s some examples of clients I work with and the projects I’ve undertaken. Get in touch and I’d be delighted to provide you with more detail about the work I’ve done and the results that emerged.
KeyNote Address and Workshop
In 2023 I participated in their Annual Senior Leadership. I delivered a keynote presentation to 160 people and a ran an interactive workshop using the principles of ‘A Beautiful Constraint.’
ABeautiful Constraint
A series of workshops across their offices in the USA, explaining how they could achieve more with less. Included ‘train the trainer’ workshops addressing live issues as well as keynote presentations.
Innovation Strategy
Working with the Heineken UK team in developing their future On Trade Activation Strategy. I planned and facilitated a series of online workshops. I also ran face to face sessions to support a new launch
A company wide Programme, covering Critical Thinking, Facilitation Skills, Synthesising Data, Consumer Understanding as well as Presentation skills.
“The Bord Bia Insightful Thinking Training programme has created quite a stir in the organisation. The immediate feedback from colleagues is very positive, with all finding it relevant and applicable in their roles. As well as building our Insight competency across the organisation, it is also driving cohesion across departments.”
I ran a series of ‘Train the Trainer’ sessions with the CooperVision UK team on how to plan and facilitate innovation, based on the principles and tools of the book ‘A Beautiful Constraint’.
Innovation Strategy
Working closely with the Kepak Innovation team, I’ve been helping them to identify growth opportunities for their Slow Cooked Meat business
Innovation, COnsumer Research and Brand Strategy
Undertaking a number of brand planning, research and innovation projects to support the growth of a healthcare tech start-up
Annual COmpany AWAY DAY
Working the the senior team, I planned and facilitated a workshop around how to turn your constraints into advantages, based on the principles of the book ‘A Beautiful Constraint’
KEYnote presentation and workshop
I kicked off the Atlassian Partners workshop in Europe in 2019 with a keynote address to an audience of 400 followed by an Innovation Workshop.
Marketing EXcellence TRAINING
Over several years I’ve facilitated a series of ‘Marketing Excellence Programmes’ with key marketing teams across the world. My role was to plan and facilitate the entire Programme. I also ran a series of ‘Train the Trainer’ workshops for the senior leaders, to enable them to run their own sessions.
“Big thanks to Tony for leading us through it all with great energy, no shortage of skill and I’d even go as go as far as to say a healthy dose of panache”
Brand Planning WORKSHOPS
I work with the Florette UK commercial team to help them create their Annual Brand Plans. My role has been to define the overall approach, facilitate the workshops and support them in the development of their sales and marketing plans
innovation workshops
Over the past few years I’ve undertaken a number of projects for Groupe Bel across their key brands, such the Laughing Cow and Baby Bel. These have included sessions on Innovation, Brand Strategy and Product Claims.
“I learned most of my workshop trade from you Tony! Still sticking to your approach, and it still works :) ”