The Joys of Imperfection

Perfectionism is a behaviour marked by a strong desire for flawlessness and the setting of exceptionally high standards for oneself. Whilst ambition and excellence are admirable qualities they can be counter-productive if they tip over to perfectionism.

It can result in a fear of failure, self-criticism, procrastination, and anxiety. So what should you do? How do you maintain high standards without suffering from the negative consequences of perfectionism? Here are a few suggestions.

1 Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionists love the flawless and the pristine. In addition, learn to see beauty in imperfection. A worn leather sofa or a cracked vase. Any object can be flawed but still beautiful. It makes it unique, distinctive, and relatable.

2 Set Realistic Goals

Perfectionists are tough on themselves. They compare themselves unfavourably with other people. They set unrealistic goals and feel bad when they fail to achieve them. Over-ambitious goals can be counter-productive. Aim to do your very best, but forgive yourself if you fall below dizzying standards.

Indeed, there’s an argument that you should avoid goal-setting altogether. Instead, decide what kind of person you want to be. Then just create a process that you trust. One that will help you get you there.

3 Focus on Deadlines and Execution

Perfectionists can be guilty of procrastination. Don’t put things off because you think it’s not good enough. Publish that report. Deliver that presentation. Make it the best you can, but accept that there will always be room for improvement. Ensure you execute, then learn from it. The next time it will be even better. This isn’t an excuse for poor, sloppy work. But don’t make a desire for perfection prevent you from falling behind or letting others down.

4 Live a Healthy Life

Perfectionists are worriers. Don’t let perfectionism dominate every waking hour. Seek rest and balance. Exercise, eat well, take time out. You know all this. Even if you struggle to manage your perfectionist tendencies, you’ll be physically and mentally stronger. You’ll be able to deal with it more effectively.

In Summary

In many ways, perfectionism is an admirable trait. To achieve great things, you have to work hard and set high standards. You have to seek improvement and look for growth. It shows you care. It demonstrates self-respect. However, don’t get hung up on it. Do the very best you can within the constraints you’ve set yourself. Remember pure perfection is unattainable. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach the high standards you’ve set yourself. Learn to see the joys of imperfection. Don’t get stuck and mired in procrastination. Maintain your energy and productivity. Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.